Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The End of Saving Advice, Starting Over

I've been blogging at a site called Saving Advice for over 11 years. The site was suddenly taken down, or as the owner said in an email, all blogs and forums were deleted! Yikes. Obviously, this is very disappointing to have information I have written wiped off the internet completely.

Of course, all of our banking information and accounts have no connection to the writing, but I did use that blog to document our goals. At first I thought I had no information to recreate our current goal balances, but as my luck would have it, the history on my phone calculator has my September 1 calculations! So excited!!

On the first of every month, I record the interest we earned from our savings accounts, as well as our progress on our Big Goal, to save $200,000 towards our next home. And in the last four months or so, I have also been tracking our progress on paying ourselves back for a $3000 down payment on our daughter's car. I had been putting these into separate posts on Saving Advice. For this month, I will post all of the progress in one post since I am restarting this blog.

September 2019 Interest Earned
FNBO $63.39
NFCU $120.39
USAA $0.02
Total Interest $183.80

The original down payment on our daughter's car was $3000. As of the end of August, we the balance we had left to pay ourselves back was $1,880.55.

This month I found several extra funds to apply to this payback:
US Bank $14.60
Chase Freedom $2.54
Amex Rewards $55.66
Amazon Gift cards $48
Pinecone Survey $3
eBay Sales $18.40
Tuna Class Action $2.38
Hair Care Class Action $11.79
Total Towards Payback $156.37
New Car Down Payment Balance $1,724.18

It was a slow month accumulating extra funds to apply to this goal. The truth is some months are easier than others in finding extra money. It was also expensive this month buying airline tickets and few extra purchases at home. I'm very thankful we do have extra funds to put towards our goals each month!

The original Big Goal balance at the end of August was $69,945.35. Our year to date balance was $6,959.90. We are currently applying $175 twice per month towards this goal in addition to the interest earned on our savings.

September Big Goal additions
Paycheck 9/1 $175.00
Paycheck 9/15 $175.00
Total Interest $183.80
Total $533.80
New YTD Big Goal Total $7,493.70
New Big Goal Total $70,479.15

So excited to have exceeded the $70K mark! We are now 35.2% complete on our $200,000 goal.

Thanks for reading! And if you are here from Saving Advice, comment down below and let me know where you are blogging now, so I can follow you!

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