Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Payback: June Progress

We are paying ourselves back for the car we helped our daughter purchase. The goal is to return $11,000 back to our savings account by the end of 2024 or sooner! These payback posts are to track that progress.

June Progress
6/1 Income $415
6/15 Income $500
Top off $16.68
Total $931.68

YTD $7,240.00
Left to Goal $3,760.00

I topped off the amount paid year to day to even it up, with $16.68. Four more months of payments equal to $940 and we can cross this goal off as complete! Previously we had been adding $915 a month. The additional $25/month will help get us to the final payment to ourselves on October 15. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tips for Making a Large Vehicle Purchase

Recently my nephew reached out to ask if I had any tips, advice on making a large vehicle purchase. He was looking at buying a full size truck with a sticker price of $25,000. He also mentioned having fair credit, thus the loan would be a high interest rate. Generally, I would say just don't do it, but ultimately everyone must make their own choices based on their own judgement. 

Ultimately, I broke down my advice to these eight tips. I think the one many people don't consider is number five. 

1)Determine the full price of the purchase. Sales tax, licencing, total interest over life of the loan and insurance. A car purchase is never just the sticker price. 

2)Use an auto loan calculator to work through various monthly payment scenarios. Longer term, will cost more interest, but may have lower payment. Here is a great calculator

3)Financial experts advise not to have a monthly car payment of more than 10% of your monthly take home (after tax) pay. This leaves room for other expenses, but is just a guideline. Know the maximum you can afford.

4)Get the shortest term (length of loan) and interest rate you can that fits into your budget. If you can, pay more than the monthly payment to pay off faster and save interest. If it doesn't fit into your budget don't buy it, buy something less expensive.

5)Ask yourself if the purchase and debt will keep you from other financial goals, such as paying other debt down, buying a house, or saving for retirement. Adjust accordingly. 

6)Get an inspection from a certified mechanic before purchase so you know what condition vehicle is in before you commit to the debt.

7)Always keep cash on hand for licencing, repairs and insurance deductible.

8)Consider purchasing GAP insurance if the vehicle loan balance will be more than Kelly Blue Book trade in value. 

What tip is your favorite? Do you have other tips for people making large purchases, like a vehicle loan? 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

May Snowflakes

I'm tracking money coming in this year from interest, credit card rewards, and other miscellaneous places. Reward money is going towards paying down our van loan. Each month I calculate the total and send it in towards the principal of the loan. Interest is just accumulating in our bank account to add to cash savings this year. 

Chase Rewards  $6.98
USAA Rewards $10.12
US Bank Reward $29.15
Amazon Rewards $10.00
Amex Reward $37.26
NFCU Interest $79.14
FNBO Interest $94.24
Total $266.89
YTD $1,306.90

Total rewards sent to van loan this month was $93.51. We now owe less than $15,000 on our van. The goal is to pay off the middle of next year.