Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Payback: April Progress

We are paying ourselves back for the car we helped our daughter purchase. The goal is to return $11,000 back to our savings account by the end of 2024 or sooner! These payback posts are to track that progress.

April Progress
Income 4/1   $415
Income 4/15 $500
Total $915

YTD $5,393.32
Left to Goal $5606.68

Almost halfway complete on this goal! It will take another six months to complete, unless I change plans in some way to start throwing more to it. I could start counting interest earned on savings, but for some reason I want the payback to come from income earned. We will get there! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Mindset of Abundance

I've been working on my mindset on many things in life. I like to think I am a positive person most of the time, but I have caught myself many, many times harping on myself or even to my husband about spending too much money. This was a bit surprising and irritating to me to become so aware of about myself. I know some of this is from the past. We did live on less. We did live paycheck to paycheck and it was important to watch the dollars. Frugality and saving have been a key part of where we are today with a healthy paycheck, nearing retirement with pension and a seven figure nest egg. 

The mindset years ago was to create that nest egg, to save for a rainy day knowing we only had ourselves to rely on. I wanted to get to retirement and know that we didn't have to work until our last breath. I wanted to fund retirement and have options. That mindset worked! We were focused on a goal and watching the spending was part of that path.

Unfortunately, I find my mindset on spending needing to change. We are not in the same place financially when I started tracking the spending. We do have cash, we have options, we have built a nest egg. And the nest egg is still growing. 

I did some calculations. Our retirements accounts are seven figures and rising. We are still adding to our retirement accounts. My husband still wants to work after he retires from his military job with a pension. Income is still coming in for the foreseeable future. The rule of seven, which says that an investment earning 10% on average per year will double in seven years. I was a bit floored by that number. Then I doubled it again for the next 7 years. In 14 years, I will be 65 and that is PLENTY of cash to do a whole lot of things and cover living for 30 plus years. 

Doing the math and looking at the real future value of what we have saved showed me I need to loosen up the mindset on spending. While I don't need to turn the other way and spend every last dollar, I definitely need to lighten up my mindset when I see money spent that for whatever reason seems too much or unnecessary. 

I actually feel very abundant after doing these calculations with our retirement accounts. We are saving plenty and there is plenty of income to let us buy what we need and want without having to hold a poverty mindset into the future. I also believe that what we focus on expands. I am focusing on abundance. My life is full of abundance and cash to buy what I need and want. 

Have you done a check on your mindset around money lately? 

Monday, April 1, 2024

March Snowflakes

I'm tracking money coming in this year from interest, credit card rewards, and other miscellaneous places. Reward money is going towards paying down our van loan. Each month I calculate the total and send it in towards the principal of the loan. Interest is just accumulating in our bank account to add to cash savings this year. 

US Bank Rewards $40.98
Chase Rewards    $49.06
USAA Rewards $2.60
Amazon Rewards $10.46
NFCU Interest $65.51
FNBO Interest $93.52
Total $262.13
YTD 790.77

Total towards van loan was $103.10. Interest rate earned on our savings is higher than the interest rate being charged on our van loan, so I'm just doing a little bit of both, saving and paying down debt with extra income incoming! 

The Payback: March Progress

We are paying ourselves back for the car we helped our daughter purchase. The goal is to return $11,000 back to our savings account by the end of 2024 or sooner! These payback posts are to track that progress.

March Progress
Daughter Paid $944
Income 3/1   $415
Income 3/15 $500
Total $1,859.00

YTD $4478.32
Left to Goal $6521.68    

Our daughter paid us back for other expenses we covered while she moved. That helps put more money back into the pot.